To ensure that all guests have a safe and enjoyable visit:
- Guests will not be permitted to bring backpacks (multi-compartment bag with multiple shoulder straps) into Lindner Family Tennis Center
- All bags are subject to a complete and thorough search.
- Prohibited items that are discovered during inspections must either be returned to their owner’s vehicle or discarded. The Lindner Family Tennis Center will not provide a storage area for these items. Any bag left at a gate is left at the owner’s risk. Tournament assumes no responsibility for left bags.

What you can bring:
- Tote bags, cinch bags and other single compartment bags 12″ x 18″ x 15″ or smaller (bag must fit on lap or under the seat occupied).
- Single strap diaper bags if accompanied by a child.
- One unopened see-through plastic bottle of water up to 33.5 ounces/1 liter. If not see-through, one empty water container up to 33.5 ounces/1 liter. Due to sponsorship exclusivity, if your water bottle has a label other than the tournament sponsor brand, the label must be removed before entering tournament grounds.
- One large tennis ball or one small can of three tennis balls per person.
Complete list of prohibited items:
- Backpacks (multi-compartment bag with multiple shoulder straps)
- Bags larger than 12″ x 18″ x 15″
- Selfie Sticks
- Drones (any mechanical object in motion or flight)
- Firearms or Weapons of any kind (regardless of permit)
- Hoverboards, Skateboards, Segways or any motorized vehicle not associated with a medical need
- Bottles, Cans, Coolers, Ice Chests, Thermoses or Picnic Baskets
- Food, except in a limited quantity for medical or infant purposes
- Alcoholic Beverages
- Illegal Substances
- Flags or banners larger than 18″ x 18″
- Professional video cameras or recording devices (unless with Media Credential)
- Personal cameras, video cameras, or recording devices larger than 4″ x 14″ x 8″ (unless with Media Credential)
- Tennis Racquets
- Animals (Except service animals)
- Any other items deemed unlawful or dangerous by the tournament management
- No individual may collect, disseminate, transmit, publish, or release from the grounds of the tournament any match scores or related statistical data during match play (from the commencement of a match through its conclusion) for any commercial, betting or gambling purposes. The continual use of laptop computers or other handheld electronic devices within the confines (spectator area) of the tournament match courts is prohibited. The exception to this provision is properly credentialed media, tournament vendors and tournament staff when used in the performance of their duties.
- Courtside filming is strictly prohibited. Any filming of matches, post-match interviews, or practices for the purpose of commercialization is forbidden.
- Smoking and vaping are not permitted. Smoking areas are available in designated locations outside the complex.
- Re-entry will be permitted after exit scanning on your way out of the grounds.
- Trespassing in restricted areas is prohibited.
- Umbrellas are not permitted to be opened in the stands or viewing areas of any match or practice court under any circumstances, except for during a stoppage in play due to rain.